This week I looked around and noticed... It's Spring! The weather is to die for, the flowers and trees are beginning to greet us, and the strawberries are starting to taste sweet again. It feels like the perfect time to start something new and wonderful, and that's exactly what I intend to do.

Other than in my kitchen and to my friends, I've never really considered helping other people cook. There was always this nagging confusion whenever one of my friends didn't know how to cut into an onion or had never heard of mac and cheese not from a box (Although there's something just so satisfying about that powdered cheese substance. I swear it's got crack or something in it.) or didn't know there were types of lettuce other than iceberg. For me, cooking has just always been a part of my life, and I've always used it as a means of communicating my love to people. I never saw it as being complicated or a skill that maybe not everyone had gotten a chance to fully develop... Until recently.

A simple text message from a friend whom I had invited over for vegetarian tacos and homemade jalapeƱo poppers was what got me thinking. She said "I'm so excited. You cook the best food!" Which to me is basically the greatest compliment in the world, but it's kind of baffling at the same time. Tacos are amazing, don't get me wrong, but are they really worthy of such an enormous declaration? Is anything that I cook really so spectacular that I can confidently agree that yes, I DO cook the BEST food? And then it dawned on me... After years of having friends terrified of their own stoves and ovens, afraid of the dangers of straying even a little bit from a very precise recipe, or simply uneducated in the ways of basic produce having been raised on fast food and freezer meals... It's not that I'm the BEST cook, it's that I am one at all.

Cooking comes so naturally to me, I think, because I'm not afraid of messing it up. There are few things that can't be repaired with a bit of cheese and ketchup in the event that they truly are disasters, but don't let the fear of failure keep you from trying! The best advice I think anyone ever should live by, regardless of whether or not it is in the kitchen, is to BE BRAVE. So what if you mess something up?! You learned from it, didn't you?!! Next time don't cook the pasta so long, or forget to put the eggs in the batter, or confuse the chili powder for cinnamon! It's not the end of the world if it doesn't come out just right, it's only the beginning of your experience. Experiment with things! Dream big! Don't be afraid to try something out, even if it sounds ridiculous! Your kitchen isn't going to judge you-go ahead and let it meet you.

I think, also, it is important to remember to HAVE FUN! Food is one of our biggest communication tools. When someone is feeling sad, we give them cookies to make them feel better, or soup if they're sick, or cake if they're celebrating, or a whole feast if you're really looking to make a statement! Don't get stressed out about sticking to things strictly or how time consuming or tedious it looks like it's going to be... Just enjoy it! Your food will always taste better if you're happy while you make it.

So that's why I'm here, talking to you and sharing pictures of some recently-planted herbs. This is a new experience for me, and like all the dreams I have for those little seedlings I really want this to flourish and become something I can share with the people I love. The people you love. Let's start this journey together.
Be brave, and don't worry... I'm here to help.
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